
Showing posts from August, 2018


27 Interesting Facts About Linux by Aby johnson                                                                                                        It’s  Linux’s 27th birthday  so here’s a list 27 interesting facts about Linux, its creator Linus Torvalds, and the impact that his “hobby” OS has had on the world we live in. Since its creation back in 1991 the open source Unix-like operating system has gone on to revolutionise the world, empower startups, birth new industries, and give agency to new types of gadgets, gizmos and gateways. The beating heart of the modern world and an omnipresent force in daily digital life: Linux is everywhere Linux is the dominant OS in cloud, in IoT, and on mobile. And while it might not have “won” the desktop war (yet) there’s no denying that its collaborative, freely available nature has had a major influence on a swathe of its competitors. The beating heart of the modern world, and an omnipresent force pervading daily digi
Apple Forces Facebook VPN App Out of iOS Store for Stealing Users' Data Facebook yesterday removed its mobile VPN app called Onavo Protect from the iOS App Store after Apple declared the app violated the iPhone maker's App Store guidelines on data collection. For those who are unaware, Onavo Protect is a Facebook-owned Virtual Private Network (VPN) app that was primarily designed to help users keep tabs on their mobile data usage and acquired by Facebook from an Israeli analytics startup in 2013. The so-called VPN app has been the source of controversy earlier this year, when the social media giant offered it as a free mobile VPN app, promised to "keep you and your data safe when you browse and share information on the web." However, Onavo Protect became a data collection tool for the Facebook helping company to track smartphone users' activities across multiple different applications to learn insights about how Facebook users use third-pa
New Android Malware Framework Turns Apps Into Powerful Spyware Security researchers have uncovered a new, powerful Android malware framework that is being used by cybercriminals to turn legitimate apps into spyware with extensive surveillance capabilities—as part of what seems to be a targeted espionage campaign. Legitimate Android applications when bundled with the malware framework, dubbed Triout, gain capabilities to spy on infected devices by recording phone calls, and monitoring text messages, secretly stealing photos and videos, and collecting location data—all without users' knowledge. The strain of Triout-based spyware apps was first spotted by the security researchers at Bitdefender on May 15 when a sample of the malware was uploaded to VirusTotal by somebody located in Russia, but most of the scans came from Israel. In a white paper (PDF)  published  Monday, Bitdefender researcher Cristofor Ochinca said the malware sample analyzed by them was packag
Adobe Issues Emergency Patches for Critical Flaws in Photoshop CC Adobe released an out-of-band security update earlier today to address two critical remote code execution vulnerabilities impacting Adobe Photoshop CC for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS machines. According to the security advisory  published  Wednesday by Adobe, its Photoshop CC software is vulnerable to two critical memory corruption vulnerabilities, which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of the targeted user. The vulnerabilities, identified as CVE-2018-12810 and CVE-2018-12811, impact Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 version 19.1.5 and earlier 19.x versions, as well as Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 version 18.1.5 and earlier 18.x versions. The critical security flaws were discovered and reported by Kushal Arvind Shah of Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs, and have now been addressed by Adobe with the release of Photoshop CC versions 19.1.6 and 18.1.6. Also Read:   Teen Ar